Leaks a little November 20, 2002
Reviewer: A Customer from USAAfter juicing 3 to 4 liters of apple juice, fluid tends to leak out under the bowl that cradles the spin-basket. [Vegetable juicing returns this tendency back to non-leaking.] The whirring of the juicer's axle then proceeds to whip an air flow that forces the fluid droplets out as a spray to the left of the juicer spout. Since the juicer is oriented for right-handed persons, this results in spraying tiny droplets out towards the operator and onto the floor. Redecorate your kitchen with beets! I have had a difficult time adjusting to a misconception. Although the feeder throat is described as being 3" wide at the top, it is less than this at the bottom due to the "fin" which points inwardly by about 1/2" or so. Since my initial juicing of apples used sizes well less than 3" (2 1/2"), no problems occured. But upon juicing quartered beets just barely 3" wide and not aware of the "fin" yet, the beets proceeded to get stuck at the bottom of the feed throat. Thinking the trouble was with the beet, I pushed and shoved. Within a few days of having broken the "fin", the juicer would dance wildly around the counter whenever a small piece of carrot or beet remained at the bottom of the throat to spin around. It was quite alarming. I wonder if the pictures of green apples just barely under 3" in diameter inserted into the top of the throat (looking down) are a fair assessment of what is possible in general? Now I need to sell it on eBay, since the manufacturer doesn't want it back. They just want to replace the juicer cover which contains the throat and inner fin. The motor may be too powerful for the juicer's overall design elements: its drainage bowl may be too shallow causing some occasional leakage towards the inside to spray out from underneath, its fin is too flimsy, and its feet don't hug the counter securely enough to keep the juicer from revolving upon turning the motor on.