A Very Different Addition to Any Kitchen January 11, 2001
Reviewer: Michele D. from Austin, TexasWhen I first got my Wheateena Red Label, I was thrown into a "learning curve." It took a little time, perseverence and patience to learn and accept just how a machine like this works. It's not like any other kitchen appliance, that's for sure! It has a very hard job to do, and it does it. This is the brand usually seen at Hippocrates Health Institute. Now that it's been on my kitchen counter a few days, it's even starting to take on a certain charm... I gave it four stars rather than five only because it is not immediately "user friendly," but it is also the only wheatgrass juicer I have ever used, so I am not one who can compare! Most important thing: wheatgrass is one of nature's greatest medicines!