I Tested Them- This Is The Best January 25, 2005
Reviewer: Ken Rohla from Daytona Beach, FloridaI was considering selling juicers as part of live food workshops that I teach, and I read so many conflicting reviews I bought or borrowed just about every decent (and several crappy) juicers on the market to see for myself which worked the best. Among others, I tested the Champion, Omega 8001 & 8002, Samson GB-9001, Tribest GreenStar & GreenPower, LeQuip Visor, JuiceMan (centrifugal), Healthy Juicer (manual), Tribest SoloStar, and a few other single augers. The SoloStar was the clear winner for amount of juice extracted, ease of use and cleanup, variety of produce it will juice, and price. It juices wheatgrass and greens as well as a dedicated wheatgrass juicer, will juice soft or hard produce equally well without changing screens or complicated modifications, and is the easiest to clean. The hardest part of a single auger to clean is the screen. The SoloStar screen is about 1/3 the size of other single auger juicers, making it much easier to clean, and the other parts are also easy to clean. The Omega 8002 has several more internal parts to assemble and clean, including two different screens which must be changed for hard and soft produce. Twin gear juicers like the GreenPower and GreenStar are a nightmare to assemble and clean, specially every day.
One big advantage for people who travel is that the SoloStar juicing assebly can be attached to the Z-Star manual juicer's hand crank for a light, compact, and effective travel juicer. If you're looking for a hand crank juicer, the Z-Star is the best. Don't waste your time with the Healthy Juicer, it does not perform as well as their videos show. Any softer produce like cucumbers or Apples are turned to sauce with it. The Healthy Juicer is FAIR at juicing wheatgrass.
DiscountJuicers.com’s review of the SoloStar vs. the LeQuip Visor is accurate. The review which recommends against buying the SoloStar must have had a fluke, I've sold dozens of them and only had one dissatisfied customer, and that person said juicing was too slow compared to her centrifugal juicer, a fair statement. Centrifugal juicers won't do greens though, which is a conerstone of a healthy juicing regimen.