Juicing Enters the 21st Century by Michael Dye Unique features of the Green Power Juice Extractor allow it to produce a juice that is longer-lasting because more nutrients are kept intact. Carrot juice from the Green Power can be refrigerated 48 hours, maintaining nutritional value and good taste. The reason thsi juice can be kept longer, company officials explain, is the Green Power extracts more nutrients in the juicing process. The extra enzymes and added stability of minerals enables the life, vitality and freshness of the juice to be maintained for a longer time. The first distingushing feature I noticed on the Green Power was that it has two slow-moving "twin gears" that squeeze and crush the fodd, contrasted with a single fast-spinning cutter blade with sharp teeth that cut and rip into the fruit or vegetable, the triturating process of the Green Power occurs when food is squeezed and crushed between stainless steel gears moving at the slow speed of 90 r.p.m. is, consider that the cutter blade of a Champion moves at 1,725 r.m.p., (19times faster) and the Norwalk blade spins at 3,250 r.p.m. (36 times faster). Green Power officials say reduction in heat and fricition means more enzymes are kept intact in the juicing process. As these gears squeeze, crush and move the triturated fruit or vegetable along, the juice is forced through a fine stainless steel strainer, while the pulp is expelled. The dryness of the pulp from the Green Power is an indication that more juice (and therefore more nutrients) are being extracted. And unlike the time-consuming two-step process of the Norwalk, which involves trituration and a separate hydraulic press, the Green Power uses a one-step process. In addition to keeping more enzymes intact because of less heat and friction, the Green Power also utilizes bioceramic and magnetic technologies, which the company says helps to add more positive ions-and vitality-to minerals in the juice. It was easy for me to see how the slow-moving twin gears could keep more enzymes intact because of the reduced heat and friction, but the molecular effect of the magnetic and bioceramic technologies is a bit more technical. Here is how that was explained by company officials and consultants: At the core of each of the twin gears is a series of magnets. The magnets are each three-quarters of an inch long and are alternated between positive and negative. When the two gears are placed side-by-side, the positive and negative magnets are also alternated between the gears, which generates a positive charge, or attraction. At the molecular level, this means the magnets are creating positive ions as the gears spin. Surrounding the inner core of magnets is a second level containing bioceramic particles and an outer layer of stainless steel. Bioceramic particles, produced by infrared technology, also emit positive ions. Magnets in the Green Power work in conjunction with these bioceramic particles, the company explains. The magnets recharge the bioceramic material and the bioceramic material recharges the magnets. Without this reacharging, the effect of both the magnets and the bioceramic material each would eventually be diminished. As the gears are spinning, the magnets and the bioceramic material are each producing more positive inos than can be held in charge by either the magnets or bioceramic material, therefore many of these positive ions go into the juice. These additional positive ions add more vitality and longevity to the life of the minerals, which reduces oxidation and keeps the juice fresher longer. Company literature states juice from the Green Power can be kept refrigerated for two days. I have tried this and found the 48-hours-old carrotjuice to still taste very good. It remained bright orange, showing no apparent signs of oxidation. When carrot juice has lost its freshness due to substantial oxidation, this oxidation is obmious because the bright orange juice turns brown and no longer has the same fresh smell or taste. There is some separation that occurs with twodays-old juice from a Green Power, and that can be remedied by stirring or shaking the juice. The Green Ppower allows you to make juice for the next day or two, which can be stored in glass jars in the refrigerator. This is real time-saving feature. Some days I have two or three glasses of juice without setting up and cleaning my juicer. Anytime I plan to spend a day or two on the road, I find it very convenient to pack a few jars of fresh juice in a cooler. (Two hints for keeping juice longer: Peel your carrots instead of just scrubbing them, which will elimiate a lot of bacteria, and fill small jars to the top with juice, allowing as little oxygen in the jar as possible.) This is the perfect juicing solution for people who have a job where it is impossible or inconvenient to bring a juicer to work. The best time to juice is during the early to middle part of one's daily eating cycle. The ability to make extra juice the night before would make it much easier for many people to drink juice at work. Now I have been the happy owner of a Champion Juicer since 1991, and I juice most every day. I still think the Champion is a fine juicer. But for those who can afford the extra cost, I would suggest the Green Power as an alternative to consider. I especially recommend the Green Power for anyone who would like to be able to store their juice for one or two days. As with the Champion, the Green Power comes with attachments that allow it to be used to make baby foods, nut butters and frozen desserts. The Green Power also is capable of juicing wheat grass and comes with attachments for making various types of pasta. I have seen lab results comparing mineral content of juice from the Champion, Green Power and Norwalk using kale, celery, chard, sunflower sprouts and parsley. In these results, the Green Power ahd a slight edge over the Norwalk and a bigger advantage on most minerals over the Champion. As for prices, the Champion retails for $359.00, the Green Power cost $949.00 and the Norwalk Press toops out at about $3,000.00. These are the only three juicers wer recommend at Hallelujah Acres. We specifically do not recommend a centrifugal juicer (any juicer with a spinning basket) because it only cuts and shreds the fodd, which does not extract a sufficient amount of nutrients into the juice. The Champion and the Norwalk have been around for decades and have introduced many people to the healthful benefits of fresh vegetable and fruit juice. The Green Power is the new kid on the block, and it's rapidly gaining recongnition and respect. The Green Power was the Grand Prize Winner of the 9th International Invention/New Products Exposition in Pittsburgh, pennsylvania in May 1993; it was the winner of the Korean President's 1st Prize at the 93 Invention Day in May 1993; it won the Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Nurinburg Germany in March 1993; and it won Silver Medal at the 20th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland in May 1993. The Champion is very dependable and versatile juicer the has produced great results for many people. And the Norwalk Press, developed by Dr. Norman Walker and used at the Gerson Clinic, has been available for those who could spend up to $3,000.00 for a juicer. Now there is another choice for people willing to pay more for higher quality juicer. Many of these people will find the Green Power to be an attractive option. From my experience with all three juicers, I could justify paying more than double the cost of a Champion to buy a Green Power. But I couldn't justify spending more than three times the cost of a Green Power for a Norwalk. Abridged from "Back to the Garden" Newsletter, Eidson, Tennessee Posted with permission from: Hallelujah Acres, P.O.Box 10, Eidson, TN 37731, Phone: 423-272-1800 |
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