your way healthily through the credit crisis Give your bank balance a break after all the excesses and expense of the festive season growing your own sprouts is the healthiest way of joining the raw food revolution and adding concentrated fresh vitamins and minerals to your daily diet, plus it will save money by bringing the farmers market into your home. DiscountJuicers.com aims to
encourage everyone to consider their health-enhancing and longevity-promoting kitchen
juicers, sprouters and water purifiers, to give the consumer control over their own
health, in their own homes. But why sprouts? Arent
they those horrid green things we eat for Christmas dinner, which children hate and which
make the kitchen smell for days afterwards
The answer is no! The sprouts were
talking about here are actually micro greens fresh salad leaves at the very
beginning of their growth cycle, when they are at their freshest and healthiest.
These tiny mini greens contain minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and even protein,
giving you a daily dose of all the nutrients you need with no need for a daily
synthetically produced vitamin pill. Sprouts arent just for health freaks
either they can be an important natural boost for the elderly, children, and the
infirm, as well as a rich source of nutrients for vegans and vegetarians. Oriental medicine has used
raw sprouts for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Increasing energy levels,
vitality and even helping prevent and convalesce from disease, raw sprouts are easy to
grow with the EasyGreen MikroFarm Sprouter harvest a
handful of delicious, vitamin-packed mini salad leaves as and when you need them, to add
to soups, salads, sandwiches and packed lunches for a quick fix of minerals and vitamins
and a lasting energy boost. Doing it yourself can be
fiddly and time consuming, with daily water changes, muslin cloths, daily strainings and
quite a fiasco but the EasyGreen MikroFarm Sprouter
makes it easy, with their simple sprouter system, seeds, oxygen (the key ingredient in
growing sprouts!) and water: the sprouts stay freshly watered and oxygenated, ensuring no
mould growth and only the freshest, healthiest greens for everyday consumption. Not only that, but with
Energise Your Lifes range of sprouters, juicers and other healthy living gadgets,
you can ensure optimum health within your own kitchen for years to come. The EasyGreen
MikroFarm only uses 100% recyclable packaging, including compressed paper chipboard
packaging, and uses no plastic at all, just recycled paper and organic ink. Energise
Your Life are the exclusive distributors in the UK and Ireland for the EasyGreen
MikroFarm. The EasyGreen MikroFarm Sprouter is the perfect gift to yourself, so that you can enjoy fresh sprouts all year long! |
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