The Foundation To Good
Health Is Good Water The quantity and quality of the water we drink has a dramatic impact on our health.
The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 80% our brain ... over 75% and the human liver is an amazing 96% water!
Considering the major role that water plays in the function of our brain and nervous system its purity is possibly the most basic and essential key to healthy longevity. Proper digestion and nutrient absorption depend on a healthy intake of water. In order for our body to get the nutritional value from our foods and supplements we must consume plenty of good water. Since sugars and carbohydrates are absorbed more rapidly even a slight degree of dehydration can cause us to get the caloric intake without the nutrition from the foods we eat. Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person... a 15% drop in body fluids causes death! Water is what our liver uses to metabolize fat into useable energy. It is estimated that over 80% of our population suffers energy loss due to minor dehydration. An increased intake of healthy water will help metabolize and shed stored fat... resulting in more energy and less fat. Detoxification is probably the single most important component to long-term health... and one that relies almost exclusively on an adequate intake of good water. Water is our bodys only means of flushing out toxins the key to disease prevention. In our industrialized chemical society we are exposed to literally hundreds of harmful substances daily. Our air our foods and everything we touch... contain traces of harmful chemicals. Unfortunately we cant keep toxins from getting into our body but we can help our body to get rid of them by drinking plenty of healthy water. The more water we drink... the more we allow our body to purify itself. Almost all-degenerative disease is the result of toxins building up in our body. The quality of the water we drink is equally as important as the amount. If water already contains chlorine and other chemicals it has less of an ability to carry toxins out of our body. If we consume water that contains traces of synthetic chemicals then we force our liver and kidneys to be the filter... ultimately damaging or destroying two of our most vital organs. With an abundant intake of clean healthy water we allow our body to perform all the healing processes that it is naturally capable of. Aquasana provides water better than any bottled water for only 9¢ a gallon... |
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