What is the healthiest water; tap,
bottled, R.O., Distilled, filtered? Learn The Facts! Once we understand the uncertainties of tap water and bottled water home water filtration clearly becomes the best choice. When considering the benefits of home water purification products over tap & bottled water, first keep in mind that there are no bad systems... any water purifier is better than no purifier. The choice to be made is simply which product produces the healthiest water and represents the best value. Quality home water filtration can offer significantly purer water than tap or bottled water. Determining the best system is a simple matter of comparing the product's performance to other alternatives. The performance of a particular water purification system can be easily verified by reviewing its Performance Data Sheet which lists all the contaminants the system is certified to remove and to what degree. The law in California and several other states requires that this information be included as part of the companys literature as well as the ongoing replacement cartridge cost and that a copy be enclosed with each product. Typically this information will be available on a manufacturers web site unless they are not too proud of it. Some manufacturers do not make this information readily available as it allows an easy comparison with other legitimate products. By comparing each products contaminant reduction capabilities system cost and ongoing cost per gallon it is easy to determine which product best fits your needs. It is also important to look at the advantages or disadvantages of other products or technologies even though they are not leading brands; such is the case with reverse osmosis and distillation systems. Although none of the leading brands employ either of these de-mineralizing techniques as their popularity has declined in recent years there is an ongoing debate over the healthfulness of de-mineralized water vs. filtered water with minerals. While there are studies that argue both sides of this debate after 15 years of specialized study in water quality and health we feel that the benefits of drinking naturally balanced water with minerals vs. de-mineralized water just makes more sense. From a non-scientific perspective the simple fact that nowhere on this planet do we find naturally occurring de-mineralized water should tell us that we were not meant to have it. In nature all fresh water contains traces of natural minerals like calcium magnesium and potassium which is what our body was designed to run on and what the Aquasana system produces. On a more scientific level there are several very credible research reports and books that stress the more recent opinion that long term consumption of de-mineralized water can in fact be dangerous. Dr. Zolton Rona author of The Joy of Health states that "the longer one consumes distilled water the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state." Dr. Paavo Airola cancer expert and author of "How to Get Well" and "Cancer... Causes Prevention and Healing" also reports that "long term consumption of distilled water eventually results in multiple mineral deficiencies." Two very negative things happen when we consume water that has been stripped of its natural minerals. First because de-mineralized water contains more hydrogen it is an acid with a pH below seven. Any time we consume an acid substance our body will pull minerals from our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate in order to neutralize the acid. Second it has been proven that when our body fluids become more acid than alkaline the production of free radicals increases causing increased cancer risks. Many studies suggest that cancer cells can only grow in an acid environment. This theory seems to be supported by the fact that around the world the areas where people live the longest most disease free lives are the areas that have the most alkaline water water with the highest mineral content. Reverse Osmosis and Distillation were first developed over 40 years ago for the printing and photo processing industries which require mineral free water. Because of the popularity and demand for home water treatment products many companies have marketed these products as "state-of-the-art" drinking water systems which they simply are not. Often these products are marketed by using a demonstration that measures the TDS (total dissolved solids) and implies that this measurement shows the systems effectiveness at removing contaminants. TDS meters measure the dissolved minerals in water primarily calcium and magnesium and have little or nothing to do with contaminant levels. Distillation and reverse Osmosis are not very effective at removing synthetic chemicals. Distillation removes things based on their relative boiling point. Virtually all synthetic chemicals boil at a lower temperature than water and therefore are vaporized and condensed along with the water in a distillation process. Reverse Osmosis removes things based on molecular size. Virtually all synthetic chemicals are molecularly smaller than water and therefore cannot be effectively removed by reverse osmosis.. The following paragraphs give a basic description of how each of these systems work and its relative comparison to the patented Aquasana multi-stage filtration process.
Multi-media block filters like the Aquasana System utilize the benefits of activated carbon with several added advantages. A blended media is extruded or compressed so that the carbon and other media is in a solid form and can also filter out sediment and cyst type organisms... like Cryptosporidium and Giardia. This configuration also prevents water from channeling around the filter media. Dual Stage Filter Systems Aquasanas exclusive dual filter system uses a combination of carbon filtration ion exchange and sub-micron filtration to produce truly healthy great tasting water at the convenience of your kitchen tap. Filters out Copepods, chlorine lead synthetic chemicals VOCs, THMs MTBE, Turbidity, Cysts (chlorine resistant parasites) and leaves in the natural trace minerals, for naturally healthy, great tasting water at the touch of a button! No other product, at any price, has ever produced better results than Aquasana! |
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