What's the best juicer to juice
fruits? by John H. Kohler
Well, what about vegetables? Should I blend them too? I believe that the thick fiberous cell structure of vegetables make it very difficult to obtain maximum nutrient absorption from vegetables. Our digestive system is not made like a cow with three stomachs to effectively absorb the nutrients from vegetables (i.e.: carrots, beets, greens, etc) , so in my opinion, they should be juiced.. Blended vegetables are absorbed in about 2 hours ; whereas vegetables that are juiced take as little as 30 minutes to be digested. For a more complete article discussing this, click here There are several reasons why I recommend blending fruits instead of juicing them. I will cover one at a time. 1. Many juicers are not efficient at juicing a wide variety of fruits. What will happen is that you will get a little juice, and quite a bit of pulp. In my opinion, this is a waste of the fruit.. I mean fruits are SOOOOO delicious (and sometimes expensive, if you don't grow your own!) 2. Fruits are here on earth for us to eat whole and complete. Remember Adam and Eve? I personally believe fruits should be eaten whole, and enjoyed. My rule of thumb-- strive to eat ripe fruit, that is as fresh as possible. True ripe fruit tastes so much better than store bought produce. (Ever eat a hard peach that didn't have any flavor?) Most produce is picked unripe since it needs to be shipped long distances to get to the store near you.. If you are not able to pick your own, I highly suggest visiting local farmers markets and supporting local farmers. 3. Did you know that we need fiber in our diet? Fiber is not a large component of juice as compared to the original whole fruit. I believe fiber is essential in our diet. I mostly juice veggies, I need to get my fiber somewhere-- from the fruits! Did you know that the fiber in the fruit helps to regulate the absorption of the sugar in the fruit into our bodies? When you drink fruit juice, without the fiber, the sugar is not regulated... which I don't think is a good thing, unless you need a "quick pick-me-up" or something. What's the difference between blending and juicing? When juicing, the whole produce goes into the juice, and two things come out: the juice and the pulp (or fiber). When blending, the whole produce goes in, and you get the whole fruit out..Although it is in really, really, small pieces. If you were to eat a fruit, and chew it really, really good, the fruit would be in really, really small pieces, so blending is similar to eating the fruit and chewing it really, really well. When blending, you are still getting the WHOLE fruit, and thus, you are getting the food in more similar of a manner as nature has intended. You are also getting the important fiber that helps to regulate the absorption of sugar into our body. Here is a list of fruits that most juicers will juice fairly well. Fruits in the other column are best blended, since most juicers don't handle them well.
Do I still juice fruits? Yes, I do.. Usually the fruits listed above that juice fairly well.. Although now days, you will catch me with a blended smoothie with fruits almost everyday!
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