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Comparing the Vertical Single Auger Juicers
by John Kohler

One of the most frequently asked questions we have been receiving lately, is which is better, the Hurom HU-100 or the Omega VRT330 Juicer?  This article will shed some light on the newest style juicer to hit the market- the vertical single auger juicer. 

To cut to the chase - both the Hurom HU-100 and Omega VRT330 Juicer are made in the SAME factory, using many of the same parts in Korea.  So the juicers are virtually identical except for some minor differences that will be explained below.

They operate exactly the same, and yield the same amount of juice.

Dong Ah HeadquartersLets get into the history of the vertical single auger juicer.  A company called DongAh Ind Co., Ltd started business as a manufacturer of TV and audio components in 1974, but was also interested in electric household appliances.   In 1992, DongAh developed the single auger electric juicer, and took out 7 patents between 1992-1998 for the horizontal single auger juicer. During this time, they were primary known as an OEM manufacturer, meaning they manufacturered juicers and other companies put their name on them. 

lsts0606.jpg (85391 bytes)In their pursuit in improving the design futher, in 2007,  they introduced the worlds first vertical single auger juicer known as model LSTS-J0606.   This first generation vertical auger design used side-clamps to hold down the housing, and it had a rather large motor base.  It worked fairly well, but DongAh knew it could be improved and more user-friendly.

Since that time, DongAh Ind Co., Ltd has made many improvements to the original vertical auger design.  In 2008, I was introduced to a prototype of the next generation vertical auger juicer at a trade show.  I thought it was amazing.  Although at first, even I had a hard time assembling it and at that time was told, "the bugs were being worked out"..     This model was first exported as the Oscar Pro 930 (in a chrome plated finish) to Australia and the United Kingdom in early 2009.   It was this juicer that became the HU-100 and Omega VRT330.

oscar930.jpg (28618 bytes)For many years many different US companies have imported DongAh Ind Co. Ltd juicers and sold them under brands such as Oscar, Omega and others.   DonhAh Ind Co., Ltd was happy with this arrangement, manufacturing container loads of juicers, and then having a US Based company buy, sell and support the juicers inside the USA.  

In 2009, they decided to start a US based company to sell their juicers inside the USA.  This company is called Hurom USA.  They kept the hurom name, which is the name of the juicer is being sold outside the USA   In addition, they had an agreement with Omega to import the same model, but it could not be identical, so there were a few minor changes to the product, and the Omega VRT330 was born.    So that is why there are two juicers, that are virtually identical. 

The Hurom HU-100 started being available in the USA around July 2009.  The Omega VRT330 juicer followed around August 2009.

One of the problems that were seen with the original Hurom Juicer and the original Omega VRT330 juicer was the white, small hole screen tended to form stress cracks for people that were using their juicer more than 1-2 times a week.   If this problem should occur, it is considered a defect, and the part should be replaced under warranty.  To improve this, Omega introduced the all-new Omega VRT 350HD that was silver/black in color and included the 8x stronger ultem screen.  We have not had any reports of this screen cracking at this time.  Later Hurom introduced the 3rd generation model that included the Ultem screen.  Finally, Omega introduced the Omega VRT 330 HD, that included the 8x stronger ultem screen.

This only creates some confusion in the US market with two juicers being virtually identical.  I spoke with the vice president of Dongah Ind Co., Ltd and he could not understand why I would want to explain to my customers the differences between the juicers when infact they are the same thing.  I believe that my customers should have the full story on these  juicers and I believe that informed customers are better customers.

Please see the table below comparing these style juicers.

Name Omega
VRT 330
VRT 330 HD
VRT 350 HD
Hurom Slow Juicer

Omega VERT vrt330 Juicer

omega vrt 330HD comparison thVRT350.jpg (5514 bytes) Hurom Juicer
TYPE Vertical Single Auger Vertical Single Auger Vertical Single Auger Vertical Single Auger
Size 15.83" high
6.81" wide
9.84" long
15.83" high
6.81" wide
9.84" long
15.83" high
6.81" wide
9.84" long
15.83" high
6.81" wide
9.84" long
Feed Chute Shape crescent.gif (234 bytes) crescent.gif (234 bytes) crescent.gif (234 bytes) crescent.gif (234 bytes)
Feed Chute Size 2.25" x 1.25" 2.25" x 1.25" 2.25" x 1.25" 2.25" x 1.25"
Color White/Silver White/Silver Silver/Black White/Lime Green
RPM 80 80 80 80
Horsepower 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
Includes upgraded 8x harder Screen NO YES YES YES
Includes Small Hole Screen YES YES YES YES
Includes Large Hole Screen YES YES YES NO
Dual Stage Single Auger Juicer YES YES YES YES
Juices Wheatgrass? YES YES YES YES
Makes nut butters, baby foods and frozen sorbets? NO (see comment below) NO (see comment below) NO (see comment below) NO (see comment below)
Includes Cleaning brush? YES YES YES YES
Includes Automatic Cleaning System? YES YES YES YES
Juice Pitcher plastic (2) plastic (2) plastic (2) plastic (2)
Juice Pitcher Capacity 4 cups 4 cups 4 cups 4 cups
Carry Handle NO NO NO YES
Comments Best for juicing most vegetables and fruits. Will also juice wheatgrass. Best for juicing most vegetables and fruits. Will also juice wheatgrass. Best for juicing most vegetables and fruits. Will also juice wheatgrass. Best for juicing most vegetables and fruits. Will also juice wheatgrass.
Warranty on Parts of Juicer 10 YEARS 10 YEARS 10 YEARS 1 YEAR
Warranty on Motor 10 YEARS 10 YEARS 10 YEARS 10 YEARS
Retail Price $399.99 $399.99
Save $70.99 $40.99

* Please note: The Hurom Juicer and the Omega VERT VRT330 does not include a "blank" plate that is ment to be used to make nut butters, baby foods and frozen sorbets.  We have used the small hole screen to successfully perform these functions.  That being said, if you do this, do this at your own risk.  The warranty may not be valid if you do something the juicer was not intended to do.

The vertical auger style juicers are best for juicing a "variety" of fruits and vegetables.  Here is how it handles some common fruits and veggies:

When juicing Carrots:
The Omega VRT and Hurom juicers will juice carrots just fine.  You will need to feed one carrot in at a time, and let the machine "work it down" before adding another or the juicer may get stuck, in which case the reverse button would need to be pressed momentarily to get the juicer unstuck.  Carrot juice will be pulpier than that from other juicers but can always be poured thru a sieve to get some of the excess pulp out if that is what you desire.

When juicing Celery:
The Omega VRT and Hurom juicers will juice celery just fine. I prefer to use celery as the "base" of my green juice.  Using a head of celery, and some greens (such as kale, collards or chard) along with an apple to add some sweetness is a great combination that I often enjoy.  I have found when juicing celery, its best to cut the celery into 1" pieces, or the celery strings get stuck in the pulp ejection port of the juicer, which may cause it to back up.

When juicing wheatgrass:
In our tests, the Omega VRT and Hurom are not as efficient as juicing wheatgrass juice than a horizontal auger style juicer.  This being said, if you want to juice so wheatgrass here-and-there, the Omega VRT or Hurom will juice it just fine.  If you are want to juice alot of wheatgrass, I would not recommend purchasing one of these vertical auger juicers.  Why?  These juicers tend to make loud squeeking noises when juicing straight wheatgrass.  If you juice some celery and then some wheatgrass, or carrots and wheatgrass (and create a mixxed juice), the squeeking is not that large of a problem.

When juicing leafy greens:
The Omega VRT and Hurom juicers will juice leafy greens just fine. I prefer to juice greens along with celery or cucumber, as straight green juices can be very "strong"..   So the vertical auger works great on these combinations.   If you want to juice mostly greens, (such as kale, collards, etc)  a horizontal auger juicer, such as the Omega 8003 8004 8005 8006 would be a better choice, as it will be more efficient.

When juicing fruits:
The Omega VRT and Hurom juicers are some of the best juicers I have seen to get a high yield and high quality juice.  I have juiced straight mangos in my VRT330, and gotten mango juice.  This juice ts not as fine as carrot juice, but doesn't resemble a mango puree either. Its somewhere in between.  Even juicing cherries (with the pits intact) is a task that these juicers will do just fine.   (Don't try that in any other juicer!)

When juicing Combo drinks (i.e.: carrot, apple, spinach, parsley juice)
This is where the Omega VRT and Hurom juicers shine.  They are the best at juicing a variety of produce.  When juicing a variety of produce, its important to rotate the produce you feed into the juicer.   For example: Don't feed all the carrots, then all the kale and then all the apples.   Instead, feed one carrot, one leaf of kale, one piece of apple, and then repeat until they are all gone.  When you keep changing up the type of produce, it helps the juicer work more efficiently, because each produce has a different consistancy, which will help push the pulp thru the juicer.

Depending on your needs, we would make the following recommendations:
The best juicer is one that meets your budget, and suits your individual needs.  Every person has different needs and uses for the juicer they will purchase.  Based on the following factors, we make the following suggestions:

Factor Purchase Suggestion
Price Omega VRT330 (least expensive)
Best for Traveling The Hurom HU-100 has a built in handle.
Duration of Warranty Omega VRT330Omega VRT330HD or Omega VRT350HD  has a 10 year warranty on the entire machine.
Warranty Stability Omega VRT330Omega VRT330HD or Omega VRT350HD Omega is a proven US owned company that has been in business for over 30 years in the USA
Machine Durability Omega VRT330HD, Omega VRT350HD or  Hurom HU-100 all included the upgraded 8x stronger screen that is less prone to cracking.

Please note, although these Vertical Juicers (Omega VRT330 and Hurom Hu-100) oxidize the juice the least, for best results: We believe that juice should be consumed right after they are produced for the maximum nutritional and enzymatic value.

Which Vertical Single Auger do you prefer and why?
We prefer the Omega VRT juicera  because  its backed by a US-Based company that has been selling juicers in the US for over 30 years.  Omega sells over a dozen different juicers and kitchen appliances. Omega offers over dozens of kitchen appliances.  They have a proven track record of a high level of customer service, and after-sale support.  I am highly confident that Omega Products will be around in 10 years to honor any and all warranty claims.

Why don't you prefer the Hurom juicer?
While the juicers are virtually identical, the main difference is the company that will provide PARTS and SUPPORT the warranty on the machine if you have any problems.  Hurom USA will support your warranty if you purchase a Hurom Juicer.   While Dong-Ah has been in business for over 35 years in Korea, they just started their business in the USA in 2009.  They are a brand new company.  If they should go out of business, then you may be left without a warranty.  Hurom USA's only product is the Hurom juicer.

The other issue I have with hurom is that originally they offered only a 1 year warranty + 1 year extended warranty (2 years total) for their machine, which they changed to 10 year warranty on the motor and 1 year on the parts.   This warranty is inferior to the Omega Warranty.

8/30/10 update: Hurom USA is no more; they have closed their US office, and now have outsourced their customer service and warranty support to a 3rd party company - Roland, Inc.

Im a visual person, it's great you made this write-up, but I want to see first hand the differences?
Sure, no problem.See it below

Are there any improvements you would like to see with the vertical single auger juicers?
Yes, I would like to see a "blank" plate to be made available for the vertical augers.  At this time, there is none available, and these juicers are NOT SOLD as multi-purpose machines like the Omega 8000 8004 8005 and 8006 series juicers.


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