Excalibur Deluxe 3500 Dehydrator- 5 Tray
White with Black Door (The Excalibur 3500 is also available in black at the same price)
We pay the UPS ground shipping to 48 US States
Over 20 years excellence!
The first name in food dehydration presents the 3000 Series, featuring the
exclusive turbo charged Parallexx Drying System.
The Parallexx design, with a temperature controlled, fan forced, horizontal drying system
mounted in the rear is exclusive to the 3000 Series. The same features found in
Excalibur's USDA approved $5000.00 commercial model...in an affordable home unit.
With 20 years of manufacturing excellence, the Excalibur Food Dehydrator sets the industry
standard for design, quality, and dependability.
All-NEW 3000 series dehydrator has the following upgrades over the 2000 series:
UPGRADED MOTOR - Last 20+ years of continuous
24 hour per day, every day use due to its use of higher quality components, more copper
and tighter motor windings versus 2500 Economy Series
UPGRADED THERMOSTAT - will last 5 times as
long as 2500 Economy series
new metal formulation that is designed to last longer
UPGRADED PLASTICS - Case made of Noryl and
trays made of Food Grade Polypropylene No 5
UPGRADED WARRANTY - 10 Year Factory Warranty
Why the Excalibur Dehydrator
Excalibur Offers the Turbo Charged Parallexx Drying System. Millions have
rediscovered the benefits of food dehydration. Healthy, nutritious, and tasty food at a
huge savings. Now Excalibur makes drying easy. For centuries food has been dried in the
sun or open air - a lengthy, messy and difficult process inviting contamination and
spoilage. With the introduction of electric dehydrators the drying process was improved.
But most manufacturers offered round stackable models with a heating unit in the bottom.
Excalibur pioneered a rear-mounted equipment package allowing horizontal or parallel air
flow...The Parallexx System.
The Excalibur Food Dehydrator
Fast, Easy, Economical and Efficient
Adjustable Thermostat 105-165 degrees F
Removable door and trays - do not have to be taken apart to
check drying or add more food.
Almost unbreakable and FDA approved polycarbonate trays.
Inserts make cleaning a snap.
Polycarbonate plastic cabinet and plexiglass door.
Controlled environment for a wide variety of uses, i.e. making
fruit roll-ups, trail mixes and drying flower arrangements, herbs, art and crafts, photos.
Each excalibur dehydrator includes a FREE Dehydration
guide, a $6.95 value!
Each Excalibur 3900 includes a
FREE Preserve it Naturally Book
A $24.95 value! In this 192 page book you will learn everything about
dehydration includes recipes too!
Also Includes a Raw Foods Section.
What is a Premiflexx non stick
dehydrator sheet?
Our Premiflexx
non-stick sheets are solid sheets, unlike the mesh sheets that are included with the
dehydrator. They are washable and re-useable.
They are used for dehydrating liquids (such as blended
fruits- to make fruit roll-ups) or really sticky/gooey items that would
normally drip through the mesh sheets that are included with the dehydrator.
They are also required for making THIN sprouted essene breads and crackers. Order Premiflexx sheets separately here.
How Parallexx Works
The fan, heating element, and adjustable thermostat are mounted
in the rear. Cool air is drawn in the back, heated up, and distributed evenly across
each tray. During the dehydration process, warm air removes moisture from foods and
is pushed out the front of the machine.
Excalibur Parallexx System Advantages:
Complete drying system in rear. (includes thermostat and fan)
Easy to clean... Spills fall on seamless bottom.
Horizontal drying provides even drying, eliminating tray
rotations. Fast drying...
Adjustable thermostat allows perfect drying every time.
Square design increases drying area "25%" with no
holes in center of tray.
Versatile... Trays can be removed to expand drying chamber.
Typical Round
Normal drips fall on the electrical controls beneath the food.
This can cause electrical problems as well as being very difficult to clean.
The more trays that are added, the further the food is away from the heat, dramatically
increasing the drying time, and requiring frequent tray rotation day and night to prevent
spoilage. Who wants to "BABYSIT" THEIR DEHYDRATOR?!!
Standard Dehydrator Disadvantages:
Round Stackable Units Heating unit in bottom. (many without
fan or thermostat)
Hard to clean... Spills fall directly on electric components.
Vertical drying requires tray rotation as trays closest to
heat source dry first.
Slow drying...Units without fan or thermostat may spoil food
or not dry at all.
Round design cuts off corners and has holes in center,
reducing usable drying area.
Non-adjustable stackable design restricts size of drying
Any dehydrator will dry food.
Excalibur dries BETTER, FASTER & SAFER thanks to HYPERWAVE
Ordinary dehydrators produce constant, unchanging heat causing “case
hardening,” a dry surface with moisture trapped inside - a perfect environment for
bacteria growth. Excalibur’s Adjustable Thermostat lets you take advantage of
Hyperwave Fluctuation (changing heat through the drying cycle) for faster, better, safer
dried foods. As the temperature fluctuates up the surface moisture evaporates. Then as the
temperature fluctuates down the inner moisture moves to the drier surface. The food
temperature stays LOW enough to keep the enzymes active, and the air temperature gets high
enough to dry food fast, overcoming bacteria growth and spoilage. Perfect for raw and
living foods.
Excalibur ED-3500 Specifications:
Compact, European styled unit, great for year round counter use. Large enough for
quality drying.
Adjustable Thermostat
Upgraded Electrical Components
105 - 165 degrees
5 trays - 15" x 15" each
Includes 5 almost unbreakable and FDA approved Polycarbonate
Includes 5 flexible polyscreen tray inserts (mesh sheets)
Polycarbonate Plastic Cabinet
8 square feet of total drying area.
8 1/2"High
17" Wide
19" Deep
7" Fan
440 Watts
120 volt 60hz
Weight: 16 lbs.
10 Year Limited warranty
Includes Preserve it Naturally Book (A $24.95 Value)